While most people know yoga in general terms, hardly is it a one-size-fit-all practice. Within yoga are various categories or classes that one can attend depending on what works best. Therefore, when one has decided to join a yoga class, it is important to be aware that what you learn there may differ from what is being taught in other classes.

Should one practice all types of yoga, then? Not necessarily. Instead, the best thing that you can do is to try several styles, teachers, or studios to see which one works best for you. Once you find a style that resonates well with you, then go ahead and stick to it. However, it is important to know what to expect even as you look around. Here are 8 types of yoga you need to know about.


This is a yoga style that was developed by John Friend and it was meant to give students the ability to self-express. Instead of following a teacher in doing one pose at a time, individuals are guided through poses that their own bodies can accommodate. They express themselves in their own fullest ability.


Hatha is the most basic type of yoga in that it is gentler and simpler physical postures. It is one of the original types of yoga and it encompasses almost all types of modern yoga. When people join a yoga class, they will start with hatha as the basic and classical approach.


This is a class of yoga that was created by Sharon Gannon and David life, targeting Western practitioners. It aims to push the limits of traditional yoga by integrating traditional elements to modernism. Each class has a theme and the trainees practice as they chant ancient scripture. The name Jivamukti literally means ‘liberation while living’.


This is a fast-paced yoga class that is ideal for athletes and those who love intense exercises. In most cases, the movements and the poses are integrated with music to match the beats. The poses and the moves are quick, and one can expect a high heart rate during the classes.


Trainees in Kripalu classes are taught to understand their bodies and learn how they work. Individuals engage in poses that can be maintained for an extended period. These are then combined with sessions of meditation. Here, people learn to let their bodies be their teacher.


Members who start off with Iyengar classes are encouraged to begin at the basic level since these moves here can be intense. Many items such as blankets, ropes, props, and yoga blocks are used in the practice sessions. The poses are held longer, and they are detailed and precision oriented.


This approach to yoga falls in the more challenging categories. It is arranged sequentially whereby one goes through a series of six poses that build on each other. They are expected to repeat the same series of poses for every practice session. A teacher can either call out the poses or one can learn to do them alone.


As the word may already tell, this is yoga that is customized for expectant mothers. It is organized in such a way that expectant mothers can practice it all through their pregnancy including after birth. It helps women get back into shape quickly and stay strong after child birth.

These are just a few of the common types of yoga worth mentioning. It is important to know all the many others that are out there and their subsets.