Pungu Mayurasana or Wounded Peacock is an advanced pose that can be found in the 5th series of Astanga Yoga. This pose can also be found in other disciplines such as calisthenics, known as One Arm Elbow Lever, and One Arm Stab in Break Dancing.

This feat of strength requires a decent amount of wrist flexibility and strength. Performing Wounded Peacock increases the pressure within the abdominal region, helping ease out dyspepsia, gastritis and splenic inflammation. In addition, it also effectively tones the abdominal muscles, develops strength of the spine and improves shoulder mobility. 

Balance Through Consciousness

Wounded Peacock is a very advanced Yoga pose, and it takes a lot of dedication to learn the posture successfully. Also, before hopping into this amazing pose, it is advisable to master Double Arm Elbow Lever, also known as Pincha Mayurasana in Sanskrit. It is the easier version of Wounded Peacock because the weight is equally distributed to both arms while balancing using both hands.

Two Arm Elbow Lever/Pincha Mayurasana: This arm balance is an introduction to the full Wounded Peacock Pose. It also strengthens the wrists, shoulders, and spine. One secret to successfully balance is to simply shift your weight forward until both of your feet are lifted.

  • To Do The Pose: Before you begin, identify on which part of your abdominal region you are going to place your elbows. It is suggested to put your elbows at a solid corner of the abs, 2-3 inches away from your navel. It will also be the distance between your hands. 

Start by putting your knees and hands on the ground. Place your hands at the distance you have measured. Make sure that your fingers are pointed sideways. Straighten your legs and slowly slip your torso between your arms. Stab your elbows at the corner of your abs, then gradually shift your weight forward. Activate your core to keep your body firm and point your toes to engage your legs muscles. Keep shifting your weight forward until both of your feet are lifted off the ground. It is easier to balance with straddle legs, but as you progress, learning to put your legs together while balancing will maximize the benefits.

Wounded Peacock/Pungu Mayurasana: Once you master Pincha Mayurasana, you can now progress to the next level. It might be challenging at the beginning, but with consistency, you’ll get there soon.

  • To Do The Pose: Begin on a plank position with your legs separated. Then, plant your right hand on the ground, parallel to your waist, with your fingers pointed sideways and out. Keep your left hand on its position. Take a deep breath in, then bend your elbows and stab them at the corner of your abs. Lean sideways to shift your weight to your right hand. Engage your core to tighten your body and point your toes. Then, start slowly leaning forward to shift your weight and lift your feet off the floor. As you develop your arm strength and balance, bring your feet together while in the pose for a more challenging and more beneficial Yoga experience.


  • If you are experiencing any elbow, wrist or shoulder injury, avoid doing this pose. 
  • It is also not recommended for individuals with high blood pressure.
  • Those who just underwent any abdominal surgery. 
  • Pregnant women are advised to refrain from doing this pose as well.