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Money is one of those inevitable topics when it comes to learning a new sport or, well, anything new you want in life.

You need money for memberships, the trainers, space, the equipment. Most people, unfortunately, choose sports based on the amount of money that they are required to splash out initially. For example, tennis and golf are expensive sports to enjoy and many people will often avoid them and take up something that is much cheaper.

However, there is one healthy activity that isn’t expensive and is a great way to get in shape and meet new people. We are, of course, talking about yoga!

The Difference That Yoga Makes

You see, yoga is very different from other sports, but it brings many benefits. Although I called yoga a “sport,” it isn’t just a hobby. Yoga is something much bigger.

Yoga isn’t designed as an attraction like basketball is where people like to see two teams battle it out on the court. With yoga, there is no such thing! Yoga is designed solely for you!

That’s why I like to look at yoga as a way of life and not something so specific, like sport.

Yoga’s benefits are another story. This way of working out will help you with your body and also with your mind. It connects the two making a strong bond that makes you feel at peace. That’s something that other activities have a hard time doing.

Yoga will teach you how to think in order to become more positive; it will also help you with your strength and endurance. On top of that, yoga can help reduce some of the most persistent problems like back pain or more. That being said, yoga must be very expensive, right? Wrong!

The Cost of Yoga

Yoga is one of the cheapest activities that you might come across. You don’t even have to pay for coaches or space. There are multiple videos that you can watch free and learn yoga through them!

Of course, yoga can be done at home or at the park, which means that no money will be lost there.

When it comes to equipment, yoga also doesn’t require any kind of special shoes, shorts, or anything else. You can do yoga whenever and wherever you want with whatever you have! That’s the beauty of it.

On the other hand, if you want to make your experience better and get even more benefits than you would normally do, then it would be a good idea to put some money aside for yoga equipment.

Yoga leggings and mats can be quite useful for your yoga sessions. The good news is that they aren’t expensive at all! Of course, there are certain brands that charge more, but the market is huge and you can find literally anything that you want for a cheaper price.

That being said, yoga is basically free!

The Final Verdict

Imagine getting all of those benefits for free. Isn’t that incredible? Well, with yoga, it can become a reality in no time. However, in order to benefit fully from yoga, you have to live and breathe it!

The place оf ѕеx іn Yoga іѕ often a mіѕundеrѕtооd concept аnd іn this ѕhоrt аrtісlе I wоuld like tо shed some light оn thіѕ subject іn rеlаtіоn to how ѕеx саn аffесt оur lеvеl оf vіtаlіtу…

PreNаtаl еnеrgу (or еѕѕеnсе) is the еnеrgу we receive frоm our раrеntѕ аnd ancestors. This “essence еnеrgу” is ѕtоrеd in our kіdnеуѕ and іѕ rеlеаѕеd іntо оur bоdу’ѕ ѕуѕtеm, аѕ іt іѕ required. It рrоvіdеѕ thе building blосkѕ fоr growth аnd procreation and it is соnѕіdеrеd (according tо Trаdіtіоnаl Chіnеѕе Medicine) that whеn wе еxhаuѕt thе full supply of this “оrіgіnаl еѕѕеnсе” our рhуѕісаl lіfе іѕ оvеr аnd our bоdу dies. Wе аrе unаblе tо “make” оr ingest аnу mоrе оf this energy thаn whаt wе аrе gіvеn аt birth so wе nееd tо be careful hоw wе use thіѕ еnеrgу іf wе wаnt a long hеаlthу lіfе. Wе саnnоt mаkе аnу mоrе of thіѕ essence but what we саn do is conserve thіѕ energy thrоugh gооd hаbіtѕ in оur dау-tо-dау lіvіng.

Exсеѕѕіvе wоrk аnd ѕtrеѕѕ саn uѕе mоrе PrеNаtаl Energy thаn whаt wоuld bе uѕеd іn a more balanced lіfе, hоwеvеr thе mоѕt damaging асtіvіtу for our PreNаtаl Eѕѕеnсе is overindulging іn ѕеxuаl асtіvіtу. Ovеrіndulgеnсе drаwѕ on аn еxсеѕѕ оf thіѕ еnеrgу from оur kidneys аnd in turn соmрrоmіѕеѕ thе quality оf аnd shortens оur life. Thе old wіvеѕ tales tоld tо boys and уоung mеn, “if уоu dо it too much, you wіll gо blind”, іѕ absolutely truе, nоt to mеntіоn thе wеаknеѕѕ іn the legs еxреrіеnсеd bу еjасulаtіng.

As we dерlеtе thе store оf PrеNatal Enеrgу frоm оur kidneys through undisciplined bеhаvіоr оur bоdу muѕt thеn drаw еxtrа еnеrgу from ѕоmеwhеrе еlѕе. Thе “blіndnеѕѕ” оr fuzzy vision occurs whеn wе рlасе extra ѕtrеѕѕ оn thе liver (ассоrdіng to Chinese Mеdісіnе thе hеаlth оf thе lіvеr has a lаrgе bеаrіng оn the hеаlth оf our еуеѕ аnd thе quality of оur vision) that nоw has to рrоvіdе the еxtrа еnеrgу that thе kidneys wоuld hаvе nоrmаllу рrоvіdеd. On thе other hаnd іf wе have good ѕеxuаl рrасtісеѕ wе can еnhаnсе оur vіtаlіtу and bесоmе mоrе еnеrgеtіс.

Whаt Arе Gооd Sеxuаl Prасtісеѕ?

When wе tаlk аbоut thе соnѕеrvаtіоn оf PreNаtаl energy іt uѕuаllу relates tо thе рrасtісеѕ of males mоrе thаn fеmаlеѕ duе tо thе fасt thаt mаlеѕ ejaculate their essence оutѕіdе of thеіr bodies whіlе thе female ѕесrеtіоnѕ оссur mostly wіthіn thе body and can bе rеаbѕоrbеd bу the fеmаlе if ѕhе knоwѕ hоw to dо this.

Good sexual practice іnсludеѕ еjасulаtіоn соntrоl bу the mаlе, whісh ѕіmрlу means having ѕеx wіthоut еjасulаtіng tоо often and his еjасulаtіоn frequency ѕhоuld bе rеgulаtеd taking іntо ассоunt hіѕ аgе, hіѕ physical соndіtіоn аnd the seasons. A bаѕіс rulе оf thumb іѕ that if a mаlе fееlѕ dерlеtеd аftеr аn ejaculation hе іѕ dоіng іt tоо оftеn. Thіѕ іѕ whу men often juѕt rоll over аnd fаll аѕlеер аftеr аn ejaculation.

If hе fееlѕ light, еnеrgеtіс and peaceful fоllоwіng аn ejaculation hе іѕ рrоbаblу rеgulаtіng hіѕ lоѕѕ оf еѕѕеnсе ԛuіtе wеll. Yоung mаlеѕ саn afford tо ejaculate mоrе often thаn оldеr mеn without dоіng thеmѕеlvеѕ tоо muсh dаmаgе but bу thе tіmе a man rеасhеѕ hіѕ mid-thirties hе ought to bе vеrу wеll acquainted with еjасulаtіоn control рrасtісеѕ оthеrwіѕе hіѕ life fоrсе еnеrgу wіll bе dерlеtеd very quickly lеаdіng to lеthаrgу and аll sorts of сhrоnіс illnesses соmрrоmіѕіng hіѕ vitality аnd роѕѕіblу rеѕultіng іn a premature death.

Thіѕ tоріс is dеер аnd I won’t gо into tоо much detail аѕ tо how to рrасtісе ejaculation соntrоl оthеr thаn to give уоu twо main іnѕtruсtіоnѕ.

Number one, оrgаѕm іѕ uѕuаllу рrесеdеd bу irregular brеаthіng so іf уоu аrе able tо practice full ѕlоw аbdоmіnаl brеаthіng while making lоvе you will bе аblе to рrеvеnt losing соntrоl оf your еѕѕеnсе.

Numbеr two іѕ tо dеvеlор thе muѕсlеѕ of thе pelvic flооr аnd the urоgеnіtаl dіарhrаgm whісh rеаllу mеаnѕ рrасtісіng соntrасtіng your muѕсlеѕ аѕ if уоu аrе trying tо prevent уоurѕеlf frоm urinating. This іѕ a gооd рrасtісе for bоth mеn аnd women іn preventing еjасulаtіоn (mаlеѕ) and promoting reabsorption (fеmаlеѕ).

Ejасulаtіоn соntrоl wаѕ written аbоut in the оldеѕt mоѕt fоrmаtіvе tеxt on Yоgа “The Hаthа Yоgа Prаdіріkа” whісh was wrіttеn bу Svatmarama in the fіftееnth century.

Some mоdеrn schools of Yоgа hоwеvеr are сhооѕіng to leave out thіѕ important аdvісе аnd рrасtісаl dіrесtіоn соmрlеtеlу еvеn thоugh it іѕ in аlіgnmеnt wіth mаn’ѕ nаturе, орtіng for complete аbѕtіnеnсе fоr their рrасtіtіоnеrѕ, which іѕ against thе іnhеrеnt nаturе оf man.

If уоu wаnt tо know mоrе about thеѕе рrасtісеѕ there аrе mаnу gооd rеѕоurсеѕ аvаіlаblе оn Tаntrіс Yоgа and Taoist (аlѕо ѕреllеd Dаоіѕt) Sеxuаl Prасtісеѕ thаt mау be of interest tо уоu.

Tо gіvе уоu an idea of how good sexual рrасtісеѕ саn іnсrеаѕе уоur vіtаlіtу I experimented wіthоut еjасulаtіng for a period оf 100 dауѕ whilst аt thе ѕаmе tіmе еnjоуіng a rоbuѕt ѕеx life. In thе first ѕеvеn wееkѕ I had wrіttеn a 90,000 wоrd nоvеl mаnuѕсrірt аnd I had posted 18 articles (аbоut 54,000 wоrdѕ) оn a website.

I knоw thrоugh mу оwn еxреrіеnсе thаt thеrе is nо way I соuld hаvе рrоduсеd thе same оutрut іf I wеrе еjасulаtіng every tіmе I hаd sex. If a mаn is fаmіlіаr wіth the рrасtісеѕ of еjасulаtіоn соntrоl hе not оnlу соnѕеrvеѕ hіѕ оwn PrеNаtаl еnеrgу but he аlѕо аbѕоrbѕ prenatal еѕѕеnсе from his раrtnеr іnсrеаѕіng his vіtаl energy. Thе bеаutу оf good ѕеxuаl рrасtісеѕ аlѕо mеаnѕ thаt a wоmаn саn аlѕо enhance hеr vіtаlіtу if she is familiar wіth hоw tо rе-аbѕоrb her еѕѕеnсе fоllоwіng аn оrgаѕm.

Onе mоrе іnсrеdіblе benefit іѕ that the two раrtnеrѕ wіll nеvеr gеt еnоugh of еасh other, brіngіng them сlоѕеr tоgеthеr rоmаntісаllу аѕ wеll аѕ рhуѕісаllу.

Rеmеmbеr that we аrе unаblе tо рrоduсе or сrеаtе аnу more PrеNаtаl Energy than whаt we are gіvеn аt bіrth. Therefore if wе wаnt tо ореrаtе аt реаk vіtаlіtу wе muѕt lеаrn hоw tо соnѕеrvе and рrоtесt our рrеnаtаl еnеrgу thrоugh ejaculation соntrоl bу thе male and rе-аbѕоrрtіоn bу thе fеmаlе.

I have grown to love stretching. There are some poses that are more uncomfortable than others. But then, there are also some that are enjoyable. For me, those are all the twisting positions.

If stretching is the only way of exercising for you on a particular day, you first obviously need to warm up. I like to do so by doing simple cat and cow positions and wiggling hips around in a freestyle motion to get the kinks out of the spine.

It is easy to stand in a mountain pose, then turning your torso to one side and opening your arms to the side with an exhale. With an inhale, bring them back up, and with another exhale, repeat on the opposite side. You can do this same stretch from a runner’s lunge position and even from a chair pose if you’re a more experienced yogi.

Then, start by going into a simple forward fold. Keep one hand on the ground and bring the other to the sky. Gently bend the knees. Open the heart in the direction where your top arm is going. Repeat on the other side.

Go back to the beginning – to a mountain pose. Bring arms to the side and twist your shoulders to one side, opening your chest as you go. With an inhale, bring your arms overhead. Then repeat on the other side.

Do that same move when you are in a crescent lunge position. You open your chest over the leg that is bent in front. Then, bring the back arm to the thigh of your extended leg for a reverse twist. Come back to a crescent lunge. Bring your arms to the heart center in a prayer position. Go into a crescent twist by bringing your inner elbow to the outer side of your knee. Try to keep your hands in the center of your chest. Then, go through chaturanga before repeating this same sequence on the other side.

Bring your legs into a wider stance than shoulder width. First, drop your head down and hold on to your elbows in a ragdoll position. Then, bring one hand down to the ground and extend the other one directly to the sky. If you’re going after an even deeper stretch, bind that extended arm around your back and hold it to the inner part of your thigh. Release and repeat on the other side.

Another great twisting stretch that I like to do especially at the end of routines is sitting with legs straight, bringing one knee over the other. Then, bring the elbow of the opposite arm to the outside of the bended knee and gaze back. This gaze can moreover serve you as an introspect into how far you’ve come whether it is your flexibility, personal life, professional career, or any other goal that you have in life.

Just the other day, I have been thinking how workouts make your body weaker in the short run; you burn yourself out the stronger that you work. Yes, I know they make you stronger in the long run. But just thinking of this instantly lead my thoughts to stretch and yoga. My body only got stronger once I started incorporating these kinds of routines into my daily 10 minutes of sports. It’s definitely worth trying. It made the biggest difference in my athletic performance and overall physical as well as emotional strength.

Do you ever struggle to know what to buy the yogis in your life for their birthday, Christmas, or any other upcoming occasion? If you don’t have a regular yoga practice yourself, it can be extremely difficult to know which items would be useful. There are several different types of props, yoga mats, unique tools and even yoga leggings that marketers advertise specifically to avid yogis. How do you decide which items the yogi in your life will actually appreciate?

Fortunately, many yogis will welcome any kind of simple item that may help them to deepen their regular practice and routine. These objects are rather plentiful, and you may not have to travel far to find them. Take a look at some of these gift ideas that could be perfect for the yogi in your life.

Essential Oil Kits

Many yogis are very interested in the natural health remedies that are available in today’s market. Essential oils are an especially popular option because they can do so many things. You can diffuse them for aromatherapy, apply them topically, or concoct your own remedies to common ailments like dry skin. The yogi in your life may appreciate such a thoughtful and useful gift to help aid them in improving their health.

Natural Crystal Jewelry

Are you interested in purchasing jewelry for a beloved yogi, but you don’t want to spend a fortune? They may actually appreciate natural crystal or gemstone jewelry far more than a precious diamond. Natural crystals can help alleviate certain symptoms, such as anxiety or depression. They may even promote better sleep or help to improve your physical health. These beautiful additions offer both form and function to a yogi’s closet.

Yoga Towels

A yoga towel isn’t as difficult to purchase for someone else as a yoga mat could be. This useful tool is always a welcome gift. Even if the yogis in your life already have a yoga towel, a second version gives them an opportunity to wash and take care of their current towel. You can look for towels in a pattern that suits them or in their favorite color.


Maybe a candle doesn’t seem like quite the right gift, but you know that your friend or partner loves to change the scent of his/her home. An assortment of incense, along with a new holder, could be an ideal gift. It’s a little more thoughtful than a generic candle you picked up from the local convenience store and demonstrates more effort.

Magazine Subscription

Help the yogis in your life to learn more about their practice by subscribing them to a yoga magazine. This can help them learn new sequences, practice in a safer environment, and keep up with current yoga fashion trends. A magazine subscription is a recurring gift that they can continue to receive throughout the year, making them think of you each month when a new issue arrives.

Shopping for the beloved yogi in your life doesn’t have to be extremely difficult. You can experience greater ease when it comes to shopping for your friend or family member by purchasing one of these perfect gifts for yogis.

We stretch many parts of our body but often forget how our feet need to be worked and stretched as well. They support us daily taking many steps throughout the day, carrying us where we need to go. Women often wear heels that can do much damage and cause pain. Feet end up aching with little reprieve. You can always get a pedicure, but those can be costly and time-consuming. Yoga is a great way to help relieve those achy feet when you are too busy to make an appointment or can’t convince anyone to give you a foot massage. Several poses can help with this.

The downward facing dog is actually an excellent pose for stretching your feet. Start in Mountain Pose and move into the forward Fold. Step your feet back towards the back of your mat. Stretch your feet by pressing your heels towards the ground but still keep your hips pushed upwards.

1. Runners stretch is also a great stretch for your feet. To perform the pose:

  • Move into a low lunge with your right foot forward. 
  • Keep your back toes tucked under, drop your left knee to the mat, and shift the hips back towards the heel. 
  • Keep your torso over your right leg and flex your right foot. 
  • Repeat on the other side. 
  • The back toes will get a good stretch, and the front foot will be flexed and stretched.

2. Give yourself a foot massage in Bound angle pose. To perform:

  • Sit on your mat and bend your knees out to the side, pressing the soles of your feet together. 
  • Your feet should be one to two feet in front of you. 
  • Grab your ankles, inhale, and hinge your torso forward as far as is comfortable. 
  • Drop your head and keep your shoulders relaxed. 
  • Place your hands on your feet with your thumbs in the arches of your feet. 
  • Exhale, rub your feet, and, continue to breathe deeply.

3. Reclined hero’s pose will give your feet a full stretch. 

  • Start in a kneeling position. 
  • Separate your feet so that your rear is between your heels. 
  • Keep your knees close together but not touching. 
  • Crawl your hands back until your forearms are on the ground. 
  • Walk your elbows back until you are lying on the mat. 
  • Keep your tail bone tucked and reach our arms over your head and grab your elbows. 
  • Breathe deeply and hold for as long as comfortable.

Every part of our bodies needs work, even the more forgotten parts like our hands and feet. Doing the poses like these will take only a few minutes out of your day. If your feet are revitalized and adequately taken care of, your day will be much better. Yoga offers a variety of benefits, and there are plenty of resources out there to practice yoga in your own home. There are even videos specifically for your feet. Give these poses a try and see how they help relieve your tired and achy feet.

How To Stay Warm During Winter Practice

Regardless of the type of activity you’re into, whether it’s indoors or outdoors, winter affects everybody, and you should do your best to stay warm because the cold can harm you and you are more prone to injury when your muscles aren’t warmed up. There are some steps you can take to make sure your muscle and general body temperatures are high enough for safe practice. 

Before Practice

Before starting your workout, you should prepare. The first and obvious step is to put on warm workout clothes. If you are inside just one pair of leggings with a long-sleeved shirt should do, but don’t hesitate to layer up a few pairs of shirts and pants outside. Layering is a great way to keep you warm, just don’t overdo it. You still want your clothes to be breathable and to leave some space for warming up to happen. To avoid getting a cold don’t take off your clothes once you warm up.

Before you warm up, drink a cup of warm water and pour some of it in your bottle too, this will be a lot of easier on your lungs and often results in slightly higher body temperature. If you are practicing inside feel free to turn up the heating, especially if you are doing static or stretching exercises as it is a lot harder to keep your body warm for those. 

If you are doing yoga, you can prepare for it with some Pranayama exercises, such as Kapalabhati, which brings energy to your body and helps in the warm-up. Sun salutations are specifically designed for this and are a perfect beginning exercise not just for yoga but for all other activities as well. In yoga, inversions and backbends are known to heat the body the most. Also try to keep your arms up, since this raises heart rate and heat in your body.

  • During Practice

Along with warm up and preparations, you should also try to keep high body temperature during the exercise, since cold muscles and joints are more prone to injury. Keep a steady pace throughout the whole practice. Choose warmer parts of the day for your practice, such as morning and noon time. If you are outside you might even catch some sun, which will make the workout undeniably easier and more pleasant. By all means, avoid evening practice in the coldest days, since it is almost impossible to keep the heat in your body when the outside temperature is too low.

A great thing about winter practice is that your body puts a lot more work into trying to stay warm and as a result, you will lose more calories when exercising.

  • After Practice

Change your clothes immediately after practice, since wet clothes could make you cold, which lowers your immune system. Before you go and relax on your couch, allow a few moments for your body to cool down. Take a warm shower or a bath 10 to 20 minutes after practice; this will relax your muscles and balance your body temperature. 

Pungu Mayurasana or Wounded Peacock is an advanced pose that can be found in the 5th series of Astanga Yoga. This pose can also be found in other disciplines such as calisthenics, known as One Arm Elbow Lever, and One Arm Stab in Break Dancing.

This feat of strength requires a decent amount of wrist flexibility and strength. Performing Wounded Peacock increases the pressure within the abdominal region, helping ease out dyspepsia, gastritis and splenic inflammation. In addition, it also effectively tones the abdominal muscles, develops strength of the spine and improves shoulder mobility. 

Balance Through Consciousness

Wounded Peacock is a very advanced Yoga pose, and it takes a lot of dedication to learn the posture successfully. Also, before hopping into this amazing pose, it is advisable to master Double Arm Elbow Lever, also known as Pincha Mayurasana in Sanskrit. It is the easier version of Wounded Peacock because the weight is equally distributed to both arms while balancing using both hands.

Two Arm Elbow Lever/Pincha Mayurasana: This arm balance is an introduction to the full Wounded Peacock Pose. It also strengthens the wrists, shoulders, and spine. One secret to successfully balance is to simply shift your weight forward until both of your feet are lifted.

  • To Do The Pose: Before you begin, identify on which part of your abdominal region you are going to place your elbows. It is suggested to put your elbows at a solid corner of the abs, 2-3 inches away from your navel. It will also be the distance between your hands. 

Start by putting your knees and hands on the ground. Place your hands at the distance you have measured. Make sure that your fingers are pointed sideways. Straighten your legs and slowly slip your torso between your arms. Stab your elbows at the corner of your abs, then gradually shift your weight forward. Activate your core to keep your body firm and point your toes to engage your legs muscles. Keep shifting your weight forward until both of your feet are lifted off the ground. It is easier to balance with straddle legs, but as you progress, learning to put your legs together while balancing will maximize the benefits.

Wounded Peacock/Pungu Mayurasana: Once you master Pincha Mayurasana, you can now progress to the next level. It might be challenging at the beginning, but with consistency, you’ll get there soon.

  • To Do The Pose: Begin on a plank position with your legs separated. Then, plant your right hand on the ground, parallel to your waist, with your fingers pointed sideways and out. Keep your left hand on its position. Take a deep breath in, then bend your elbows and stab them at the corner of your abs. Lean sideways to shift your weight to your right hand. Engage your core to tighten your body and point your toes. Then, start slowly leaning forward to shift your weight and lift your feet off the floor. As you develop your arm strength and balance, bring your feet together while in the pose for a more challenging and more beneficial Yoga experience.


  • If you are experiencing any elbow, wrist or shoulder injury, avoid doing this pose. 
  • It is also not recommended for individuals with high blood pressure.
  • Those who just underwent any abdominal surgery. 
  • Pregnant women are advised to refrain from doing this pose as well.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) has been one of the problems that have been kept behind closed doors for years. Accept it or not, men take pride when it comes to dominance in the bedroom. Those who are suffering from ED choose to be silent in fear of embarrassment.

Catching ED

Erection is a result of the cardiovascular and nervous system working together. When a man’s fight or flight reflex is relaxed, the blood supply is centrally retained within the body and is made easily accessible to the penis. When the smooth muscle tissues around the penis are relaxed, it allows the surrounding arteries to open and let blood flow to the organ which causes an erection.

Easy Way Out?

Thanks to Viagra, things were turned. Since this “solution” to ED was introduced to the public, ED was revealed behind the curtains. More men became open to discuss the condition and share their personal stories. But, taking Viagra comes with side effects such as discomfort in the stomach, headaches, and flushing.

The Effective Natural Remedy?

Yoga! The practice is very popular for its magnificent benefits to the physical body and the mind. You won’t only counter ED alone, you will also get a chance to discover yourself and improve not just your romantic life but your whole being. Yoga is very effective in releasing tensions in the body and improves blood circulation, which promotes the overall health. Follow this simple poses that’ll surely help fight against Erectile Dysfunction and boost your activities behind the bedroom door!

Bound Angle Pose/Baddha Konasana. This pose gives the groin and inner thighs a very relaxing stretch. It also stimulates the kidneys, bladder and the prostate gland.

To do the pose:

  1. Begin by sitting on the ground and extend your legs forward.
  2. Then, bring your feet together as your knees bend to the sides.
  3. Make sure that the soles of your feet are facing each other.
  4. Hold your big toes together using your index and middle finger.
  5. Keep your spine long and stay on this pose for 10 breaths.

Bow Pose/Dhanurasana. This pose stretches the whole front of the body and stimulates the reproductive system. It can effectively improve the flow of blood in this area, allowing the arteries to unclog and allow better erection.

To do the pose:

  1. Lay on your stomach.
  2. Remember to keep your feet hip-width apart.
  3. Inhale, filling your lungs.
  4. As you exhale, bend your knees and reach your arms back, reaching for your ankles.
  5. Keep pulling through your arms and feet to stretch the muscles on the front of your body.
  6. Stabilize the pose by keeping your pelvis firmly in contact with the ground.
  7. Hold this pose for 10 breaths then release.

Standing Forward Bend/Uttasana. This pose gives the back of the legs and the lower back a very intense stretch while stimulating abdominal organs and boosting metabolism. It is also very effective in relieving headaches, sending freshly oxygenated blood to the brain.

To do the pose:

  1. Stand with your feet together and hands in prayer.
  2. Inhale as you extend your hands in the sky.
  3. Exhale and fold forward through the waist, reaching for your toes.
  4. Stay in this pose for 10 breaths.
  5. Alternatively, if you can’t reach your toes, you can cross your arms and hold onto your elbows.

Erectile Dysfunction can be caused by activities where the arteries are blocked or damaged like smoking, high blood pressure, alcohol and heart disease. Stress can also affect relaxation and cause ED.

Follow these easy poses and improve your relationship while developing awareness. Use this natural remedy to effectively fight Erectile Dysfunction, and see great improvement in no time! Also, check out this easy 10-minute yoga routine for men!

While most people know yoga in general terms, hardly is it a one-size-fit-all practice. Within yoga are various categories or classes that one can attend depending on what works best. Therefore, when one has decided to join a yoga class, it is important to be aware that what you learn there may differ from what is being taught in other classes.

Should one practice all types of yoga, then? Not necessarily. Instead, the best thing that you can do is to try several styles, teachers, or studios to see which one works best for you. Once you find a style that resonates well with you, then go ahead and stick to it. However, it is important to know what to expect even as you look around. Here are 8 types of yoga you need to know about.


This is a yoga style that was developed by John Friend and it was meant to give students the ability to self-express. Instead of following a teacher in doing one pose at a time, individuals are guided through poses that their own bodies can accommodate. They express themselves in their own fullest ability.


Hatha is the most basic type of yoga in that it is gentler and simpler physical postures. It is one of the original types of yoga and it encompasses almost all types of modern yoga. When people join a yoga class, they will start with hatha as the basic and classical approach.


This is a class of yoga that was created by Sharon Gannon and David life, targeting Western practitioners. It aims to push the limits of traditional yoga by integrating traditional elements to modernism. Each class has a theme and the trainees practice as they chant ancient scripture. The name Jivamukti literally means ‘liberation while living’.


This is a fast-paced yoga class that is ideal for athletes and those who love intense exercises. In most cases, the movements and the poses are integrated with music to match the beats. The poses and the moves are quick, and one can expect a high heart rate during the classes.


Trainees in Kripalu classes are taught to understand their bodies and learn how they work. Individuals engage in poses that can be maintained for an extended period. These are then combined with sessions of meditation. Here, people learn to let their bodies be their teacher.


Members who start off with Iyengar classes are encouraged to begin at the basic level since these moves here can be intense. Many items such as blankets, ropes, props, and yoga blocks are used in the practice sessions. The poses are held longer, and they are detailed and precision oriented.


This approach to yoga falls in the more challenging categories. It is arranged sequentially whereby one goes through a series of six poses that build on each other. They are expected to repeat the same series of poses for every practice session. A teacher can either call out the poses or one can learn to do them alone.


As the word may already tell, this is yoga that is customized for expectant mothers. It is organized in such a way that expectant mothers can practice it all through their pregnancy including after birth. It helps women get back into shape quickly and stay strong after child birth.

These are just a few of the common types of yoga worth mentioning. It is important to know all the many others that are out there and their subsets.

Yoga’s popularity can be connected to its basic benefits such as stretching and improving awareness of the body. Yoga helps to develop a deep mind-body connection. In this way, yoga can be very beneficial for children. Children encounter emotional, social, and physical challenges. Yoga can be used to ease kids through these challenges by giving them breathing techniques, behavioral guidelines, and physical postures. These benefits continue even after the kids get off their mats. Kids can use what they learn during their yoga practices to practice breathing and concentration in all aspects of their life. This allows children to take new situations and conflicts head on and deal with them in a healthy way.

Yoga incorporates all muscles in the body which does not only promote kids’ physical strength but also teaches them about what their body is capable of doing. No matter if a pose is taken standing, sitting, or lying down, each pose challenges a different group of muscles and shows different ways that these muscles function.

Balance is an important aspect of yoga. Balancing poses are used to promote both mental and physical clarity and stability. Even if a child falls while trying to achieve a balancing pose, they learn to stay calm and get back up to try it again. Once they achieve these balancing poses they are filled with a sense of accomplishment which is very important to children’s mental health.

Concentration is a universal problem for children. Practicing yoga poses encourages kids to clear their mind and focus all of their attention on achieving various poses. This concentration and focus learned during yoga practice can easily transfer over into school and improve grades.

Confidence and self-esteem can be boosted by the practice of yoga. Yoga helps to instill confidence into young children. It helps children connect more with themselves and promotes them to try new and different things in the future. They learn to persevere, be patient, and work toward their goals on and off the mat. Yoga can provide crucial building blocks to raising a confident and successful child.

Yoga is beneficial to children of all ages, but has found to be specifically beneficial to children with special needs such as autism and ADHD. Yoga has shown to reduce children’s aggressive behavior, social withdrawal, and hyperactivity. Yoga practice seems to play to the strengths of autistic children which not only boosts their confidence but reduces their stress.

Many adults use yoga to promote mental and physical well-being in their everyday lives. This same practice can help children develop a stable mental and physical well-being as well. Children face a lot of challenges in their lives, not only physical but emotional. By incorporating yoga into a child’s everyday routine they become more self-aware and are better able to cope and respond healthily to everyday struggles. Children practicing yoga is not only beneficial to the child, but also the parent! A happy child leads to a happy parent.